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Sustainable Future

Not Just green turf: Stadium Waikato

Stadium Waikato takes its turf seriously. Several years in the planning, the NZ$1.3 million upgrade of the venue’s high-performance turf offers a stable, hardwearing surface that meets FIFA’s detailed specifications - and provides a slew of sustainability advantages too.

The state-of-the-art Desso Hybrid Turf (that’s artificial fibres reinforced with rye grass) is considered one of the best playing surfaces in the world, and requires less fertiliser and water to maintain an optimal playing surface than regular turf surfaces. Moisture metres in the turf allow precise monitoring of the turf moisture levels, so that the turf team can make better-informed decisions about irrigation.

And it’s not just the turf that’s green.

Guided by the Hamilton Environmental Sustainability Strategy, state-of-the-art sustainable building practices have been used across the design, build, and ongoing maintenance of the facilities.


Water flow restrictors on all taps and showers and water-sensitive taps in bathrooms prevent water wastage, and sustainable building management systems - along with the venue’s efficient LED lighting - helps better manage energy consumption.


The stadium operates a range of low waste initiatives - glass, plastic, tin, paper, cardboard and bottle tops are all recycled - and food and retail packaging waste, along with bathroom and kitchen paper towels and grass clippings, are redirected to commercial composting.


Consumable leftover food is donated to Kaivolution - an organisation that rescues and redistributes edible food from commercial outlets and supplies it to people in the local region. Kitchen food waste is redirected from landfill and sent to a ministry-approved piggery.


Food waste reduction initiatives like this make a difference. Kiwis throw away almost 158,000 tonnes of food every year - including 15,000 tonnes of bread. When that waste is sent to landfill it decomposes, releasing greenhouse gases.  


To combat this, FMG Stadium now uses ‘rescued bread flour' - reclaimed surplus bread, prior to its ‘best before’ date which is processed back as usable flour - as an ingredient in all its muffin products, which are baked freshly on site.  


The taste? Just as good - if not better - than the regular item, so they say, and better for the environment too.  

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